2021 BC Effective Speaking Competition Winners

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This year’s BC Provincial Effective Speaking Competition was held on Saturday April 17th 2021. Due to Provincial Health Regulations, the competition was conducted remotely using the Zoom telecommunications application. You can watch the videos from each competition by clicking the titles below: BC Provincial Effective Speaking CompetitionGold: WO2 Matthew Douglas…

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BCPC Exemplary Service Recognition – Mrs. Penny Doern

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Please join the BC Provincial Committee in thanking Mrs. Penny Doern for her unwavering passion and dedication to the Air Cadet Program and the Okanagan Squadrons as she hangs her hat up as the Group Chair for the Interior Region. Mrs. Doern has been associated with the Air Cadet program…

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BCPC Announces New Positions

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The British Columbia Provincial committee is pleased to inform you, as previously announced at the BCPC AGM on 4 Oct 2020, that Mr. Don Cann is appointed Group Chair for the Interior Region. Don has a wide range of experience and excellent reputation as a communicator and leader. Whilst he…

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BCPC Elects New President for 2020-2021

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The Board of Directors of the Air Cadet League of Canada, British Columbia Provincial Committee is pleased to announce the election of our new President, Theresa (Terri) Hinton. Terri brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the position. Terri was born in Victoria, BC and has lived throughout BC.…

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AC Foundation of BC – LOGO CONTEST

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The Air Cadet Foundation or British Columbia was established in 2006 at the request of individuals who wished to make donations to help sustain and grow the Air Cadet Program in British Columbia. The purpose of the AC Foundation can be found at: AC Foundation Constitution and Bylaws The AC…

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Letter from BCPC President re Stand Down

April 16, 2020 Greetings All By now you likely will have received notification concerning the extension of the stand down for all cadet related activities up to 31 August 2020. This unfortunately will include all Summer Training activities as well. It is indeed an unfortunate circumstance that will affect all…

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Scholarships 2020 – Deadline and YCF Scholarship

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NOTICE: Air Cadet League of Canada 2020 Post-Secondary Scholarships Taking into consideration the current situation caused by the COVID-19 virus, we are aware that some cadets may have difficulty being able to obtain all of the information necessary to complete the ACC64 form. The National Scholarships and Awards Committee postpones…

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Farewell to Mrs. Joan Irvine

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Joan Irvine has been working with youth and for youth organizations, in both paid and volunteer positions, since she was a teenager herself. In 2009, she became a member of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee of 609 Steveston Squadron, where she held the positions of chair, past chair, and effective speaking…

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