To find out more about the British Columbia Provincial Committee, please click/tap the applicable icon or the Page Title.
Who we are

Air Cadet League of Canada British Columbia Provincial Committee The Air Cadet program operates within a partnership agreement between the Department of National Defense (DND) and The Air Cadet League of Canada (ACL), a civilian volunteer...
Honours and Awards

Honours and Awards are an important method of recognizing valuable service to the Air Cadet Movement. The Air Cadet League of Canada could not exist without the thousands of volunteers who give freely of their time...
Contact Us

For more information about the British Columbia Provincial Committee and the Air Cadet program, contact us at: Air Cadet League of CanadaBC Provincial Committee#2 7630 Montreal StreetDelta, BC V4K 0A7 1-866-614-2272 Toll Free1-604-732-9119 Office1-604-732-9115 Fax
Corporate Sponsors

The Aero Club of B.C. a non profit aviation society was officially organized on December 15th 1915. Exciting events responsible for the final realization of the Club happened before that date. In our archives we...
BCPC Membership

The British Columbia Provincial Committee (BCPC) of the Air Cadet League (ACL) is administered by a five person Executive committee under the direction of a Board of Directors. The Directors are elected each year by the...
Privacy Information Overview

The British Columbia Provincial Committee has established policies and procedures with respect to Federal and Provincial Privacy legislation. The Air Cadet League of Canada, British Columbia Provincial Committee has always respected the privacy of individuals and...
Air Cadet Foundation of BC

The Air Cadet Foundation of British Columbia (ACFBC) was established in 2006 at the request of individuals who wished to make donations to help sustain and grow the Air Cadet Program in British Columbia. The ACFBC,...