April 16, 2020
Greetings All
By now you likely will have received notification concerning the extension of the stand down for all cadet related activities up to 31 August 2020. This unfortunately will include all Summer Training activities as well. It is indeed an unfortunate circumstance that will affect all those cadets who were looking forward to attending a Summer Training facility this year but it is one that was made necessary for the protection of all of our young people. Rest assured that discussions are ongoing at all levels (Military and League) to investigate opportunities that could have a mitigating effect on the impact that Covid-19 has had on the Canadian Cadet Movement.
It is important to note that while social distancing is highly recommended for all of the SSC personnel, there is still the opportunity to maintain close communications with your fellow committee members and achieve some semblance of operational activity via electronic means. BCPC staff are available to support your needs as in the past and it is proposed that SSC training opportunities will continue through this difficult period with the use of BlueJeans link ups.
Please feel free to contact your League Representative, Wing Chairs, Group Chairs or any other member of the BCPC should you find the need. Just because we are in a stand down mode does not mean that we should just down tools and walk away. We must be prepared and have a plan in place to restart our engines once the “all clear” sign is given and we can move towards a more normal condition.
In the meantime, practice social distancing, avoid gatherings, maintain communications via electronic means and in all instances stay safe.

Don Doern CD
British Columbia Committee
Air Cadet League of Canada