As a volunteer, you will need to be available for a few hours a week. Depending on the position you select, you could work from home or in person. No previous experience is needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRAINING FOR EVERY POSITION IS PROVIDED!
Volunteer Positions Available:
Working with a Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron near you
Working with the British Columbia Provincial Committee
League Representative, mentoring a Sponsoring Committee near you
Wing Chairperson, mentoring League Representatives and several squadrons near you
Working with the British Columbia Provincial Committee on various projects

Working with a Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron near you
Every Air Cadet Squadron is supported by a Sponsoring Committee (SSC) responsible for raising funds, maintaining accommodation and supporting training activities run by the officers.
Examples of volunteer positions:
Canteen assistance: working in a small ‘tuck shop’ selling snacks to cadets. ( One to two hours a week)
Mess dinner serving: Serving food to cadets and officers (and enjoying the fun) at formal dinners. ( three to six hours per year.)
Fundraising: Helping the squadron raise money by silent auctions, plant sales, coffee sales etc. ( two to four hours per month)
General assistance: When an event is happening, simply being there to fetch and carry, fill in forms, provide snacks, help with cleaning at the end of the year, organise a Christmas party, collect things from stores etc. (variable time depending how involved you wish to be but two to four hours per month.)
Committee executive positions: Each Sponsoring Committee is an Incorporated Society and works as a not-for-profit organisation and according to the BC Society Act, must have certain executives in place:
Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Members at Large
For more information email us at:
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Working with the British Columbia Provincial Committee
The BC Provincial Committee consists of 10 volunteer Directors who are responsible for the administration of the Air Cadet League program in the province. In addition to the ten Directors there are many more volunteers that provide guidance to local Squadron Sponsoring Committee’s in the capacity of League Representatives, Wing Chairpersons and people willing to take on a specific project.
In addition to our volunteers there are two full-time administrators who work out of the Air Cadet League office at the Boundary Bay Airport and they will assist you in your volunteer work.
The provincial committee has several projects that each require a number of people to ensure smooth running of the program.

League Representative, mentoring squadrons near you
A League Representative mentors the Sponsor Committee members in each Squadron. This is particularly valuable when Sponsoring Committee members are new to the job. They also act as a liaison between the British Columbia Provincial Committee and the squadron.
Training is available, but experience as a cadet, cadet parent, Sponsoring Committee member, or officer would make the job easier.
(Four to five hours per month)
For more information email us at:

Wing Chairperson, mentoring League Representatives and Squadrons near you
The province is divided into many ‘Wings’ for administration purposes. Each Wing consists of several squadrons. A Wing Chairperson provides training and mentors League Representatives in their role of guiding a Squadron Sponsoring Committee.
Training is available, but prior experience as a member of a Sponsoring Committee or officer would make the job easier.
(Six to ten hours per month, depending on the number of Squadron Sponsoring Committees in the Wing)

Working with the British Columbia Provincial Committee on various projects
The Provincial Committee consists of 10 Directors who are responsible for the administration of the Air Cadet League in the province. Positions on the Provincial Committee include President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Members at Large who administer additional committees such as Effective Speaking, Public Affairs, Training and Education, Aviation as well as other projects. Each committee or project requires a number of people to ensure smooth running of the program.
Effective Speaking: Organizes competitions at Wing, Regional, and Provincial levels and assists with the National Competition. (between November and April, approximately 10 hours per month )
Public Affairs: Maintaining Facebook, preparing news releases and articles, advising squadrons when needed.
Training and Education: Organizes and delivers training of Air Cadet League members at the Provincial and Squadron levels.
Aviation: Oversees the aviation aspects of the Air Cadet program
Administration: Administrative work, and just having ideas and input.
League Representative: Assisting local squadrons when they need guidance and training in their positions on the Squadron Sponsoring Committee.
Wing Chairperson: Oversees League Representatives in a specific region of the province. Assists with training of League members.

Are you ready to volunteer? Follow the link below to apply:
For more information email us at: