Who Can Apply To Volunteer


If you have been a cadet, or know a Cadet, you know how valuable this program is to each individual as well as society as a whole. The Cadet program is dedicated to sending good citizens out into society.

You should be over 19 years of age.

Knowledge of the program will make things a little easier at first, but it is not essential. You have a number of skills; they can be of great use to us. You may want to develop new ones and we can help you with that.

Volunteers must complete a Criminal Record check either at their local police department or through the Sterling Back Check program which is available online,  in the same way you have to for volunteering in schools, seniors’ homes, summer camps etc. There are forms to complete and there will be in interview.

Are you ready? Follow the link below to apply:

Interest In Volunteering Form

For more information email us at: bcpc@aircadetleague.bc.ca

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