This page contains links to useful Programs that Cadets can apply for. Please click/tap the applicable icon or the Page Title to view this information.

Please follow the link below to find out more about the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Program on the BCIT website. This will open a new tab on your web browser. Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Category 'M' (Maintenance)
BCIT – Student for a day

Please follow the link below to find out more about Student for a day on the BCIT website. This will open a new tab on your web browser. BCIT - Student for a day Important Notice...
Duke of Edinburgh Program

Please follow the link below to find out more about the Duke of Edinburgh program. This will open a new tab on your web browser. Duke of Edinburgh Program
Educational Credits

The Air Cadet League was successful in implementing a program for the British Columbia Cadets whereby certain courses within the Cadet program will qualify for Educational credits. This is a very worthwhile program as it allows...
Effective Speaking Program

The effective speaking program is an experience in individual development. The speaker’s own growth, measured against his or her own previous experience and accomplishments, is the most important feature of the competition. Air Cadets...